The Equalizer Wiki

"D.W.B." is the thirteenth episode of the second season of the re-imagining series The Equalizer. This is the twenty-third episode of the series overall.


McCall races to find Dante when he's abducted by a pair of panicked deputies who fear reprisal, after they detained Dante without cause and used excessive force before realizing he's a fellow cop. Alone and injured, Dante experiences hallucinations that reveal his complicated childhood.


Detective Dante was profiled. He was getting gas when some sheriff deputies profiled him. They thought he matched the description of a home burglary suspect and so in their intelligent thinking they thought a guy wanted for armed burglary would stop for gas in the neighborhood.

They pulled up on Dante. They demanded his license. They were going to check the trunk of his car without a warrant and they tasering Dante when he tried to identify himself as a cop. They also hit him over the head as he was trying to get his badge. The deputies later found his badge on his prone body and they realized this would cost them their badges. And so they took him hostage.

They threw Dante into the back of the car. They drove off and they never realized that his sons were in the gas station using the bathroom. The boys came out right as they saw their father being dragged into the cop car. They also saw the men. They didn’t get a good look, but they knew their father wouldn’t just leave them and so they called McCall.

McCall’s number was something their father made them memorize. He said to call her if they ever got in trouble. They called her the moment they saw their dad being driven off.

McCall came. She asked questions. She asked the man running the gas station if he had security cameras and unfortunately his cameras are down. Once she made sure the kids were with their mom, McCall went down to the sheriff’s office. They were in Gatling county and the sheriff ran that small town.

The sheriff also happened to be racist. He didn’t want to help McCall. The most he would tell a black woman is that Dante wasn’t in their custody and so where was he? Dante was taken to a warehouse where he was left untreated for his concussion after he came to. He began to hallucinate.

Dante started hallucinating. He was remembering things from his past with his father. Never has something his father said to him has stood out as much as then because then and only then has Dante truly understood the danger. The danger of a black man. Even one with a badge. Dante overheard the deputies talking about people looking for him and he heard them said that they’ll wait till the pressure dies down to finish him off.

Dante was going to die simply for be the wrong black man to profile. And so Dante’s hallucinations tried to help him fend for himself in captivity. He thought he was seeing his mother as his own mind told him to create a bond with one of his captors.

Dante had overheard that one of the deputies didn’t feel right about killing him. He was only doing so because they went too far to turn back and they didn’t want to go to jail. So, when one of the deputies gave him a bottle of water, Dante used that to make common cause. He said he was a father. The other man understood because he was also a father.

Dante even added that they left his boys behind at the gas station. This freaked out the younger deputy and he went running to the older one to say what he learned. They didn’t just abduct a black cop. They left behind witnesses and the younger one wanted to come forward with the truth.

Deputy Morales was scared about what would happen. Only Deputy Barnes who had been aggressor was the one who kept saying they would lose everything. “They”. Morales was too panic stricken to realize the truth and he kept going with the plan.

He lied to the sheriff for Barnes. The sheriff wanted to know why their GPS wasn’t on the night a detective went missing and they claimed they stopped the guy. That Dante identified himself as cop and that there were embarrassed. They failed to mention the brutal attack on a fellow officer. They also claimed they left Dante at the gas station when they didn’t.

They asked sheriff to back them up because they said they didn’t want to get protested out by Black Live Matter. The sheriff being a racist went along with them. He covered for them and he thought he stopped McCall, but he hadn’t.

McCall got the Manhattan District Attorney and a judge on her side. They looked through the deputies log that night. McCall knows which deputies turned off their GPS. She intentionally spooked them. She was hoping it would force them to check on Dante and that she could follow. She never expected they would change cars. They were smart about it. She didn’t catch on until it was too late to follow him.

Except she now knew which deputies she was looking for. She had her guy Harry look into them and he found out that Barnes had been involved in an incident thirty years ago. Back then, Barnes was a rookie who testified against a senior cop who pulled over an intelligent black man for knowing his rights. He took him to warehouse.

He beat him and then abandoned him by the side of the road. McCall had her people asked the injured man where he was taken. He gave them a general description. McCall managed to find the building. She didn’t find Dante. She did find blood and a message from Dante that was written in code.

McCall realized that Dante must have been moved and so she checked the road and it’s a good thing she did. She later found Dante with a gunshot wound. He managed to escape from the cops, but not before getting hurt. McCall called the scene in. Dante was rushed to the hospital. He received treatment and he managed to survive the whole ordeal. He now has tough questions to answer from his children. But they all survived. Thanks to McCall.

Dante was prepared to hand in his badge after everything and Grafton tried to talk him out of it. Only he said he had to go. He was afraid of what he’d do if he stayed.



Guest starring[]


  • Lee Tergesen as Deputy Barnes
  • Brandon Espinoza as Deputy Morales
  • Destin Khari as Kyler Dante
  • Tyler Marcel Williams as Stefon Dante
  • Valarie Pettiford as Carol Dante
  • Danny Johnson as Benjamin "Big Ben" Dante
  • Jelani Dacres as 8-Year-Old Dante
  • Dennis Boutsikaris as Judge Clemmens
  • Jackson Loo as Detective Stafford
  • Ron Canada as Curtis Baker
  • Johnny Sanchez as Manager
  • Ashley Jordyn as Ruth
  • Michael Pemberton as Sheriff Paulson





  v - e - dSeason 2
AftermathThe KingdomLeverageThe People Aren't ReadyFollowersShooterWhen Worlds CollideSeparatedBout That LifeLegacyChinatownSomewhere Over the HudsonD.W.B.PulseHard MoneyVox PopuliWhat Dreams May ComeExposed