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"Legacy" is the tenth episode of the second season of the re-imagining series The Equalizer. This is the twentieth episode of the series overall.


McCall joins forces with Jessie Cook, a brilliant and unpredictable master thief, to recover a valuable painting stolen from a Black family during the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre.


There were some still living with the scars of the Tulsa race massacre. There was a prominent black family that lost everything in the massacre and the sole survivor was a little girl at the time. She's now a hundred and seven years old. She goes by Grandma Ella. She hasn't seen her mother's face in a hundred years. She wants back a painting that had been stolen from her family. The painting along with the family was stolen by the Nardoni brothers known as Wilfred and Neil Nardoni. Those men are long dead. The descendant of Wilfred was the one now in charge. He inherited the shipping empire along with the private painting collection that was all stolen from the black family. And things like that don't go away.

They leave traces. The descendant otherwise known as Roger Nardoni has the painting. Grandma Ella went through the courts to get the painting back and Nardoni just painted over it. He did that just so he wouldn't have to return the painting. Now, Grandma Ella doesn't have much longer to go. She was already past a hundred and an extended legal battle would cost time that she doesn't have. She wants her family painting back. She wants to see it before she does so that she could look at the portrait of her mother's face one last time before she goes. Ella's family turned to The Equalizer. And McCall said she would get the painting back.

McCall looked at the case. She realized that it would be too difficult to do it on her own with just her team because that could take months and they didn’t have the time and so she instead chose to take a shortcut. She enlisted the help of a master thief. She turned to Jessie Cook. Cook was the best at what she does. But she was also selfish, demanding, and had no good qualities. Cook was a master thief and McCall knew just how to hook her. She convinced Cook to steal from Nardoni by telling her that the painting was at the Vault. The Vault is the safest location in the world. It’s where the richest held all their luxuries.

Nardoni had a personal vault in the Vault. Cook gets to steal whatever she finds as long as she helps recover the painting that McCall was looking for and so Cook agreed to that plan. She also wanted bragging rights for breaking into such a tight place like the Vault. Working together, the two women did everything right in the sense that they knocked out guards and didn’t trigger any alarms. They even made it as far as Nardoni’s vault itself. The problem lies with what they found. Cook looked around and her trained eye spotted nothing of value. She told McCall about it. They realized that Nardoni was involved in money laundering.

He was buying junk painting for millions while selling it for even more than that. Anyone with a trained eye could spot a fake and yet they were still buying it from him anyway because others must be in on the money laundering. It was the realization along with Cook pulling some very nasty tricks that cost them time. They found the painting only it happened right before a knocked-out guard came to. He triggered the alarm. This forced the women into leaving behind the painting and they only barely got away. McCall was so ticked off that she made Cook walk the rest of the way. It turns out Cook got what she came for.

Cook really wanted Marie Antoinette’s earrings because she had wanted to finish the set with the necklace she stole several years ago. Cook was always looking out for herself and she failed to grasp what she cost that family. McCall and her friend Mel later found out that Nardoni was moving his goods. He was probably going to ship it overseas. They tried to steal the truck in transition. They got caught and they would have gotten arrested if not killed if it hadn’t been for Cook. She showed up to save them. She rescued them. They also went to Nardoni’s home when they set everything on fire so that he understood what Ella’s family went through.

Cook got away with one painting. She was fine with that. She had acted out of character by playing the hero and she even left Nardoni’s crimes to be found by the cops. And so he was being investigated for illegally shipping toxic waste overseas along with money laundering.

Grandma Ella meanwhile finally got to see her mother’s face. The woman was dying and so that gave one last bit of joy in the world.

And Delilah helped a friend realize how much she was missing out by being denied her culture.




  • Jada Pinkett Smith as Jessie Cook
  • Quincy Tylor Bernstine as Rolanda
  • Ward Horton as Roger Nardoni
  • Cristina Angelica as Vera
  • Harry Sutton Jr. as James Decker
  • Andy Hernandez as Vault Security Guard
  • Brianna Cameron as Young Ella
  • T. Shyvonne Stewart as Ruthie
  • Claudia Robinson as Ella
  • Christopher Daftsios as Drink Man



  • Jada Pickett Smith is the guest appearance in this episode and she reunites with Latifah in Set It Off (1996).



  v - e - dSeason 2
AftermathThe KingdomLeverageThe People Aren't ReadyFollowersShooterWhen Worlds CollideSeparatedBout That LifeLegacyChinatownSomewhere Over the HudsonD.W.B.PulseHard MoneyVox PopuliWhat Dreams May ComeExposed